Mission Statement
The Accreditation Council for Psychoanalytic Education, Inc. is an autonomous accreditation agency established in 2001 as a Delaware USA not for profit corporation to foster excellence in psychoanalytic education. It develops clear, consistent, transparent Standards for Psychoanalytic Education that can be widely implemented in the diverse national and international community of psychoanalysts. Its accreditation process works to assure that training institutions implement these Standards. It aims to serve the public by providing information about psychoanalytic education, by conducting research to enhance the knowledge base of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic education, and by identifying psychoanalytic training programs that meet its Standards.
What We Do
The ACPEinc accredits psychoanalytic education and training programs. It assesses how well each psychoanalytic training program implements the Standards of Psychoanalytic Education in light of its distinctive theory and training tradition. External accreditation of programs provides parity with colleagues in other academic and health care disciplines. It supports common educational standards and guidelines; it encourages conversation among diverse schools, and cooperative scientific investigation.
This website was made possible by a generous grant from the Group for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Psychology.